After current state analysis, IBIM™ lets you understand the BI environment that you have and now will guide you to decide what you want your future environment to be in order to achieve the BI vision. In the current state analysis, IBIM™ identified how your stakeholders are currently accessing and using information. Now, IBIM™ will determine the best approach for users to access and consume information.
- Define how users will share information and knowledge in the target state and the kind of collaborative environment that will be made available to them for the best utilization of BI solutions.
- Assess multiple technologies and techniques that could be needed to come up with the desired method of delivery and the best fit.
- Review BI plans to confirm whether we are moving in the right direction.
- Assess the organizational readiness, enterprise ability to leverage BI to ensure success of the BI initiatives.
- Create a long-term program through recommended next steps for detailed planning and design.
- Ensure the target state to reflect the vision to combine BI with the areas of business process management, performance improvement, customer service, knowledge management, cross-functional information exchange, etc.
- Assess imminent requirements, long-term business needs which enables us to breakdown BI strategy work into multiple projects classified into phases.
- Prioritize the objectives for efficient use of available BI resources. Prioritization of BI objectives also provides you and business with a better understanding of how the BI environment will take shape as you progress forward.